ccie routing and switching practice lab equipment.Multi-protocol label switching: MPLS is a carrier technology, and MPLS VPN technology is currently the most used. MPLS VPN refers to the use of MPLS technology to build an enterprise IP private network on the backbone broadband IP network, to achieve cross-regional, safe, high-speed, and reliable data, voice, image multi-service communication, and combined with QoS services, traffic engineering and other related technologies. The reliable performance, good scalability and rich functions of the public network are combined with the security, flexibility and efficiency of the private network.
Exam Code: CCIE Enterprise Infrastructure
Exam Duration: 8 hour
Exam Topics:
Latest Update: 02.14,2025
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Cisco Exams | Exam |
CCIE LAB | Enterprise Infrastructure Lab |
Security Lab | |
Data Center Lab | |
Enterprise Wireless Lab | |
Service Provider Lab Lab | |
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